Customer Testimonials

Manuscript with gold light

It was an absolute pleasure working with Alexandra, and I couldn’t be happier that I’m working with such a highly professional beta-reader. Alexandra does a wonderful job getting inside the plot and pointing out details that might slip out of a writer’s attention; more than that, she suggests corrections and possible ideas how to make a plot and story line stronger, which is really helpful. Aside from consulting a writer on the plot line, Alexandra also makes a detailed page by page report – what most beta-readers don’t even go into – and not only does she highlight the mistakes, she also suggests a better structure for the sentence in question or explains why something would sound better in every case.

I worked with Alexandra on my first book in the series and came back to her with the second, and I can honestly say that I can’t recommend her services enough. It’s amazing working with someone who really cares about your story and wants to make it better for you.  

E. Midwood, “The Girl from Berlin” series

Now available on Amazon – Use the links below to view or purchase:

Book 1: The Girl From Berlin: Standartenfuhrer’s Wife

Book 2: The Girl From Berlin: Gruppenfuhrer’s Mistress

Book 3: The Girl From Berlin: War Criminal’s Widow


I was very impressed with the beta read by Pro Beta Reader. Using someone online you don’t know is a risk, but Pro Beta Reader was well worth that risk. The report was detailed and informative, and showed me things about my manuscript that even editors didn’t catch. Will definitely be using Alexandra for future projects.

S. Mask, “The Piano Tuner” – Also writes under the pen name of A.Smith, “Solace”

Now Available on Amazon – Use the links below to view or purchase:

“The Piano Tuner”: Stephanie Mask – The Piano Tuner

“Solace” – Book 1 in the Solace Ranch Novella Series: Angela Smith – Solace

The penny eventually dropped that no matter how many people I asked, I was never really going to get anything other than ‘oh, what a great book you’ve written’ from friends and family. That’s great for my ego but does nothing to help me improve my manuscript. Enter Pro Beta Reader and their service to critically and objectively go through the manuscript. After just a couple of weeks, I received a comprehensive review of my novel, including feedback on pacing, character development, style, grammar, formatting, tense, etc. as well as a chapter-by-chapter breakdown of what worked and what didn’t along with recommended corrections/adjustments. I’ve been singularly impressed with Pro Beta Reader and at just how comprehensive and objective their feedback to my manuscript has been.

C. Morgan, “Portallas” series

Now Available on Amazon: – Use the link below to view or purchase:

“Forestium – The Mirror Never Lies” – Book 1 in the Portallas Series: Christopher D Morgan – Forestium

The Portallas Series can be explored at:


Alexandra beta read my MS back in January (2015), and I recommend her highly. She not only caught the typographical and grammatical errors in my writing, she addressed issues like plot holes and pacing that slipped right by me. The suggestions were creative and detailed, showing she had really thought about the book and how to make it better.

What I got back from her was not just some notes jotted down as she read. It was a complete report. Every one of my specific questions had detailed answers, there was a general impressions section, and then she went through and critiqued the MS chapter by chapter, as well.

I used many of her suggestions in my revisions, and the result is a much stronger novel. It was obvious that she put a lot of effort into what she was doing, and even her criticisms were phrased in a positive way. Overall, I was incredibly impressed with her work. Ten out of ten, would definitely use again.

A.J Creasey, “The Weavers’ Design”


Alexandra was the best thing that could have happened to my manuscript. Not only did she analyse the specific concerns I’d marked out for her, but she also provided a comprehensive summary of general issues I hadn’t even thought of, and her chapter by chapter proofread caught out grammar and expression problems I hadn’t picked up after reading the manuscript for myself numerous times.

In addition to her exceptional standard of work, Alexandra was extremely honest (which we writers need!) but kind, encouraging and reliable. It’s obvious that she really cares about her clients’ writing, and it was a pleasure to work with her.

V. Locampo, “Bow Down”


I contracted with Pro Beta Reader for my two book series, to provide light comments on Book 1 and a more detailed analysis on Book 2. I was extremely happy with the quality of the comments I got back, and can’t recommend her highly enough. I’ve had other betas on this work prior to some recent modifications, and Alexandra caught things that the other ones didn’t catch. More importantly, she saw behind what was being said to what wasn’t being said, which in my experience is a much harder thing to do. I ended up agreeing with over 90% of her comments, which is very rare for a critique. The comments are all very insightful, and I believe will put that extra sheen of polish on my books that they really needed. Thanks Alexandra, I will definitely use you for my next project!

S. Rodgers, “Spellgiver Series”